Mittwoch, 17. Juli 2013


Two days ago, we had finally some south wind and we could takeoff near Aparan. First, it was not so easy to get height. The thermals away from the ridge used to go higher, but they were weak and difficult to catch. Unfortunately, Armen and me got pretty low at the valley with the old gold mine. Really not the place to land, as it is forbidden to go there. After a short landing, we discussed the strategy. I decided to takeoff quickly and fly over the ridge with minimum altitude. It was not so bad as the wind was coming sidewards, so no leeside rotors. With the next thermal, I could satellisate myself finally. I turned as I saw Anton flying back. The view was amazing. The valley in the north was completely covered and we were flying 1000m above these clouds. However, it didn't take me long time to find myself again low in the valley behind the takeoff. I was lucky again and could use the convergence. After that, I decided not to fly back but fly as far as still possible. I crossed the railway to Tbilisi. On the other side, i could only gain some meters, so I turned and let me blow into the valley as far as I could.
I packed my glider, then David showed me the way over the bridge to the street. After 10' I got a ride to Hrazdan. From there minibus back to Yerevan.
Yesterday, we tried the site again, but unfortunately the north wind kicked in and it was not possible to takeoff. We spent the whole day watching the beautiful clouds...

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