Donnerstag, 25. Juli 2013

Armenian record

Yesterday, I could make something out of the given conditions. We went to Vedi, again. I took off, but it was not yet good enough. So I toplanded and waited for a better cycle.
The second attempt was better, and I started flying to east, taking every tiny bit of lift I could catch. In the next valley, conditions were much better. Strong thermals, but a lot of headwind. As I crossed Selim pass, I could already see the massive cloudstreet over the plateau to Garni. I returned to the western side of the pass and made altitude for following the highway...
It was stronger than expected, and the SE wind pushed me. However, I cheated and made some more meters than cloudbase. But chance that there is somebody else flying there is equal to 0, and you really don't want to land on this plateau if you want to get home the same day.
Close to Garni I decided to turn. The Wind turned to W, and I wanted to close the triangle. At one point, I found myself low again. No good landing possibilities, and not even a road in this canyon. But I was lucky again and could reach top. After a long glide, I was just able to cross the ridge to the takeoff.
I was just thinking about gliding in the valley, as I hit a strong thermal again. If you have luck, you got to hold it! Then, I realised that my phone was ringing. Anton wanted to know where I am, so I told him to watch in the sky :-). I crossed the valley to south towards the military area. Pushing as far as I could, and just NOT landing there. But everything went fine and I flew back.
At the end, I landed next to the fountain on the street. The others were so kind to wait...

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